Posts from March 2018

Older but not wiser

I have been shocked at how quickly I can become disillusioned and discouraged as I’ve got older. Once it seemed so easy to believe…to acknowledge God’s hand in so many different ways…to trust him for the future. But somehow in all the twists and turns of life, the future hasn’t quite gone as I thought it would…things happen…prayers aren’t answered as I expected…things I thought to be secure and took for granted  have crumbled around  me. Yesterday I was reading…

Pastors Ponderings

This week’s blurb comes from Mrs Jesus follower. She says exactly what the Spirit has been saying to me this week. Blessed to Bless Others I had read through Ephesians as Paul intended…straight through as I would a letter. I was truly blessed in a whole new way! So, with a surge of enthusiasm, I decided to study it in depth but didn’t get past the first few verses! What amazing truths are tucked away in those first few verses…

I’m losing my mind

Oh no, I’m losing my mind…a familiar cry for some of us? But today my cry was somewhat different. Oh, no! I’m losing the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, I’m not seeing my world as Christ sees it. I often debrief through the small hours of the morning…sometimes it’s purposeful but other times my mind seems to scan through my day and God reveals to me things I’d rather not look at. I saw the shop…

Pastors Ponderings

Last Sunday Julie and I talked about our journey in regards to giving. We thought we had our giving sorted. Generally speaking we gave 10% of all of our income to our ‘storehouse’ which we understand to be the local church – the community where we were Spiritually nourished. However, although we have seen amazing provision and blessing in our lives through following the principle of ‘tithing’ we have come to understand that the scriptures encourage us not to simply…

Every day Easter

I’ve been thinking… Easter or Every Day? The cross is the moment where good and evil faced their ultimate battle. It would be going on 50 years since I first really recognised the victory of the cross and the spiritual battle we are in as believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ; fifty years since I first saw the power in Jesus Name…the power, protection and victory in the blood of Jesus Christ. It was a truth that was…

Pastors Ponderings

If you would learn more, ask the cattle, Seek information from the birds of the air. The creeping things of earth will give you lessons, And the fishes of the sea will tell you all. There is not a single creature that does not know That everything is of God’s making. God holds in power the soul of every living thing, And the breath of every human body. —Book of Job 12:7-10 I was at Kids for Christ (KFC) on…

A slow burn

My church I have looked and seen your hearts, and a time of healing has come, a time I have set aside.  I shall refine my people in these days. I have said, I have lit a fire in my church and I shall breathe upon it with my breath until it burns white hot with fire, a refining fire.  When gold enter s the furnace it is heated the impurities rise to the surface, it is then scraped off…

Pastors Ponderings

Easter is fast approaching. I am beginning to wonder if 2018 has decided that it is a race towards Christmas…a race to see just how quickly it can get here. I don’t want to flick through the events of this coming year as if I were thumbing through the pages of a book to catch quick glances of the highlights and illustrations. Instead, I need to take some moments of time deliberately in hand. Stop, look at them, and savour…