Daily Life (Page 3)

Radical Thinking

To love or to condemn? How do I respond to those living a lifestyle that makes me uncomfortable? How do they see me? What attitudes am I conveying to them? Praise God for leaders with the courage to speak up and put these challenges out there for us to face. Praise God for those who continually make us think, read, pray, search your Word and ponder the questions from which we’d like to run! I’m scared, I’m uncomfortable and yet…

A Bad Day?

It began wrong. It was one of those days some women and very few men may understand…what will I wear? No, not that, it might rain…oh, bother! That won’t work either, didn’t they say it could reach 40 degrees today?   And so it went on for half hour. I’d already wasted time trying to change an appointment but that hadn’t worked either. Despite the early hour, the heat of the day wearied me, as I hurried to the bus…

More Jottings From My Journal

A Moment in Time               I knelt to lace up the familiar little shoes for my two-year-old granddaughter. As I began, a strange thing happened and, like the change of seasons in a movie, I saw it. I was doing this very same thing but now it was her older sister smiling down at me and, no sooner had those memories flashed by, than it was their older brother, a concentrated look on his…

Letting Light Shine out of Darkness.

We’ve no doubt heard this before: its not what happens to us but how we respond. This is so true, but over these past few days this saying has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I’ve been reflecting on the passage from 2 Corinthians 4 where Paul says…so then death is at work in us that life may be revealed in you. Paul was constantly facing hardship, persecution even death but he saw these circumstances as times when…

Older but not wiser

I have been shocked at how quickly I can become disillusioned and discouraged as I’ve got older. Once it seemed so easy to believe…to acknowledge God’s hand in so many different ways…to trust him for the future. But somehow in all the twists and turns of life, the future hasn’t quite gone as I thought it would…things happen…prayers aren’t answered as I expected…things I thought to be secure and took for granted  have crumbled around  me. Yesterday I was reading…

I’m losing my mind

Oh no, I’m losing my mind…a familiar cry for some of us? But today my cry was somewhat different. Oh, no! I’m losing the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, I’m not seeing my world as Christ sees it. I often debrief through the small hours of the morning…sometimes it’s purposeful but other times my mind seems to scan through my day and God reveals to me things I’d rather not look at. I saw the shop…

Every day Easter

I’ve been thinking… Easter or Every Day? The cross is the moment where good and evil faced their ultimate battle. It would be going on 50 years since I first really recognised the victory of the cross and the spiritual battle we are in as believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ; fifty years since I first saw the power in Jesus Name…the power, protection and victory in the blood of Jesus Christ. It was a truth that was…

A slow burn

My church I have looked and seen your hearts, and a time of healing has come, a time I have set aside.  I shall refine my people in these days. I have said, I have lit a fire in my church and I shall breathe upon it with my breath until it burns white hot with fire, a refining fire.  When gold enter s the furnace it is heated the impurities rise to the surface, it is then scraped off…

Feed Me

You feed them! It had happened again. It was one of those moments where, from a familiar passage of scripture, something new jumped out at me. It was early one morning when I was reading through Luke and came to the familiar story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand where Jesus said, ‘You find them something to eat.’ Why did Jesus ask this question, I wondered and what did he expect from his disciples? Reading back through the earlier…

A moment in time

There are a few times in my life where I’ve experienced a time warp. One such time was when I discovered some lost letters from an uncle whom I’d never had the privilege to know. I curled up on the lounge and became lost in another world. I was a little girl again enjoying wandering through the paddocks of our farm but this time I was spending time with a kind, caring fun loving uncle. I cried for the times…

God is in the storm

The rain was bucketing down as we drove along. Would it ever end? It’s only a storm, says Julie in her own profound way. It is still Spring…the daffodils bloomed and the trees are in blossom. I haven’t been able to forget that statement nor the amazing truth I saw as I thought about our journey with God. Jesus Christ the same…yesterday, today…forever. God’s faithfulness never ends…his mercies are new every morning! I’m sure I’m not alone. I’m certain we’ve…

some place to call home

I stood there listening as our CBBCers prayed. Their prayers were passionate & it was evident that these were Godly people praying Godly prayers. Without a doubt God is and will honour these prayers. But my heart was heavy, my mind full of questions…what difference can we make? Can we do anything to rescue millions of people pouring from country to country looking for safety; desperate for refuge for themselves and their loved ones? Are we necessarily right in assuming…