Faith (Page 2)

No, Lord, You’ve got the Wrong Person!

We all settled back to listen as the young woman stood up to share. She’d been working overseas for several years and was now home for her first break. Tentatively she looked around at us and, without warning, burst into tears. I don’t want to go back, she sobbed. I can’t do it anymore.  In faltering words she continued to explain… she wasn’t qualified to do this… she felt totally inadequate. I don’t think there was a dry eye in…

I’m Missing the Very Thing

I woke this morning and felt as if a flicker of a light had come on. Yes, the same old question keeps lurking in the background… why doesn’t God answer my prayer? He does, I know because he says he will. Then, what’s wrong? The verse that had come into my mind this morning was, “Call on me and I will answer…” Oh, I knew this verse so well! I knew its reference; I could say it ‘off pat’ but,…

After all, He’s God

I stepped out of the safety of the hospital onto the dark shadowy path. I felt numb but strangely at peace. It seemed to take forever to reach the end of the dark street and enter the old guest house. It was all so strange…so unreal. I fumbled for the key I’d been given and let myself into the dark hall-way. Now to find the number of my room. Stumbling up the stairs, I turned down a narrow passage and…

I don’t want to be tomorrow what I am today

I press on toward the goal. I once heard someone say that if you woke up wanting to sing you’re a singer. I guess if I woke up and wanted to go for a jog, I’d be a jogger. Well, I wake up and want to write…so I guess that makes me a writer. Writing is the way I process and express my thoughts. It’s one of the ways I talk to loved ones, encourage friends, pray or, at times,…

Growing in the Knowledge of God #1

Mmm…I’m not sure if I agree with that…I thumb through my Bible searching for a passage I read just a few days ago that will prove my point…back my point of view.  Sound familiar or is that just me? Why is it so difficult to say, Lord, search my heart and show me your truth; search my deepest thoughts that I may be cleansed and brought closer to you. Philippians 3:10 has been my motto for years but do I…

Radical Thinking

To love or to condemn? How do I respond to those living a lifestyle that makes me uncomfortable? How do they see me? What attitudes am I conveying to them? Praise God for leaders with the courage to speak up and put these challenges out there for us to face. Praise God for those who continually make us think, read, pray, search your Word and ponder the questions from which we’d like to run! I’m scared, I’m uncomfortable and yet…

A Darkened Room

Some time ago I stopped to ask myself…how do I picture a true Church of the New Testament to look like today?  What would they see if someone were to stumble into it? The picture that came to me was a church in prayer…but it wasn’t a church as we know it today… it was a darkened room…no furniture…no sound other than folk quietly praying. I realised this was a picture of the persecuted Church…a group of believers who met…

More Jottings From My Journal

A Moment in Time               I knelt to lace up the familiar little shoes for my two-year-old granddaughter. As I began, a strange thing happened and, like the change of seasons in a movie, I saw it. I was doing this very same thing but now it was her older sister smiling down at me and, no sooner had those memories flashed by, than it was their older brother, a concentrated look on his…

Letting Light Shine out of Darkness.

We’ve no doubt heard this before: its not what happens to us but how we respond. This is so true, but over these past few days this saying has taken on a whole new meaning for me. I’ve been reflecting on the passage from 2 Corinthians 4 where Paul says…so then death is at work in us that life may be revealed in you. Paul was constantly facing hardship, persecution even death but he saw these circumstances as times when…

Every day Easter

I’ve been thinking… Easter or Every Day? The cross is the moment where good and evil faced their ultimate battle. It would be going on 50 years since I first really recognised the victory of the cross and the spiritual battle we are in as believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ; fifty years since I first saw the power in Jesus Name…the power, protection and victory in the blood of Jesus Christ. It was a truth that was…

Feed Me

You feed them! It had happened again. It was one of those moments where, from a familiar passage of scripture, something new jumped out at me. It was early one morning when I was reading through Luke and came to the familiar story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand where Jesus said, ‘You find them something to eat.’ Why did Jesus ask this question, I wondered and what did he expect from his disciples? Reading back through the earlier…

some place to call home

I stood there listening as our CBBCers prayed. Their prayers were passionate & it was evident that these were Godly people praying Godly prayers. Without a doubt God is and will honour these prayers. But my heart was heavy, my mind full of questions…what difference can we make? Can we do anything to rescue millions of people pouring from country to country looking for safety; desperate for refuge for themselves and their loved ones? Are we necessarily right in assuming…