Mmm…I’m not sure if I agree with that…I thumb through my Bible searching for a passage I read just a few days ago that will prove my point…back my point of view. Sound familiar or is that just me? Why is it so difficult to say, Lord, search my heart and show me your truth; search my deepest thoughts that I may be cleansed and brought closer to you.
Philippians 3:10 has been my motto for years but do I live as though I really want this? So often it’s more about me wanting God to make things go my way rather than allowing him to reveal himself and his truth to me.
Recently a young man said to me, I’ve just realised that I’ve been learning all about God in my head but I need to see Jesus here. I glanced back at him to see him thumping his chest with his fist. You see, he ‘got it’. He realised he needed to ‘know’ Jesus. Head knowledge can be dangerous. Unless it’s taken to the heart by the Holy Spirit it remains useless, powerless. In fact, it can even be a hindrance to us; a hindrance to God’s purpose.
Paul ‘got it’. So many of Paul’s letters to the Churches began with a similar prayer.
Ephesians 1 I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious Father may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better.
Philippians 3:10 I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings becoming like him in his death.
Colossians 1 …that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand how great God’s desire is for us to know him more. I say it’s my desire but then God shows me how quickly I forget that. Things get tough or I’m feeling low and, rather than crying out to God to reveal himself to me, I once again begin to feel sorry for myself and question things. It keeps coming back to being all about me! Why is this happening to me?
It’s not like we’re going to say, Oh, I’m so glad this happened I’ll get to know God more. No. Sometimes, in the very darkest times, it’s not even words. It’s snuggling into God and telling him we love him and will continue to trust him when nothing makes sense. That’s when we get to know God!