Oh no, I’m losing my mind…a familiar cry for some of us?
But today my cry was somewhat different.
Oh, no! I’m losing the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ.
In other words, I’m not seeing my world as Christ sees it.
I often debrief through the small hours of the morning…sometimes it’s purposeful but other times my mind seems to scan through my day and God reveals to me things I’d rather not look at.
I saw the shop assistant I’d glared at for keeping me waiting…I heard the Insurance lady’s apology after I’d said my piece…I recalled my indifference to the young man at the bus stop who so badly wanted to tell me his life story…I reflected on my friend at the swimming centre who really wanted to talk.
Oh, I’ve learnt the game well, I know the tricks. You listen, you’re polite…just avoid eye contact…just say enough not to feel rude but to avoid becoming involved because it’s not a good time or, more truthfully, I can’t be bothered.
Why do I continually miss these God given moments?
Quite suddenly I saw it…I’m not seeing these people through the eyes of Jesus…I’ve lost the mind of my Lord Jesus Christ! Lost these opportunities for them to see Jesus. These moments for eternity…gone!
I’m brought to my knees as I realise it’s all about how I value these people. I don’t see them as worthy of my time. Not worthy of my time when Christ has done so much for me???
The words I know so well come back to me…Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus… Can I truly take up the challenge Paul leaves us in Philippians chapter 2?
How awesome to bring this cry of my heart before my God, to confess my sin to him and trust him to continue to do his work…continue to change me to daily think and respond more like my Lord Jesus Christ.
Create in me a clean heart Oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me…then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you.