Like many holidays and festivals, the origins of Mothers day (or mothering Sunday) were based in the Catholic and Anglican church calendar. It actually wasn’t about mothers at all. In the 16th century it was a day where everyone returned to their ‘Mother’ church where they had been baptised and worshipped there with their family. Later it became a day where all domestic servants were given the Sunday off to visit their home church – often the only Sunday in the year where they could worship with their loved ones. Then as this tradition began to die out it was resurrected in America in the early 20th Century as a time where people honoured their mother, developing into the commercial event it is today.
In saying that, all through history mothers have been honoured by society. The Greeks and Romans were particularly diligent in blessing their mothers. There are many verses in the Bible which also honour childbirth as a gift from God. Mary, the mother of Jesus has been particularly honoured ‘above all women’ for the past two thousand years, and her motherhood is the focus of many artist’s work.
As for the current times, I am constantly amazed by the resilience of mothers. From the pain of childbirth through the ‘terrible two’s’ , the feeding, cleaning, teething, not to mention the teenage years. Careers are put on hold, finances and resources are set aside, knees are worn out with prayer and still they are there with a smile and a hug when life is tough.
Mothers – we honour you for your love, devotion, prayer and Godly examples. Even when life doesn’t turn out for you quite how you imagined and you lose your cool we cheer you on!!