Pastors Ponderings

Easter is fast approaching. I am beginning to wonder if 2018 has decided that it is a race towards Christmas…a race to see just how quickly it can get here. I don’t want to flick through the events of this coming year as if I were thumbing through the pages of a book to catch quick glances of the highlights and illustrations. Instead, I need to take some moments of time deliberately in hand. Stop, look at them, and savour what is still to come. How to do this is the question. The answer is the word ‘deliberately’. Take a moment and deliberately think about Easter. It will put the breaks onto a rapidly speeding year. Stop in this moment. Think about how past Easters have made you the person you are today; think about today and how the events of Easter will impact your day ahead; think these things and deliberately notice what response is raising in your heart that you want to celebrate and remember this Easter. With this in mind, I asked Tanya if I could share a poem that she wrote with you. It may trigger your imagine and thanksgiving as you take a moment in time deliberately in hand.


Passing through the barriers, the priest would enter, the weight of fear and trembling
Behind the walls and curtain hoping it was enough
The saints of old would catch their breath, as once a year, they prayed
Oh God, make us worthy

Jesus came, the perfect lamb, God’s presence here on earth,
The mercy seat was now, the blood bought Throne of Grace
How perfect and complete, the price paid once for all.
He has made us worthy

Our Saviour leads the earthly choir of prayer in heavenly chorus,
An eternal dance in which we are all we welcome to attend.
As we, the temple, now face east toward the risen Son The veil is gone, His presence sure, enter in the Holy place
He is worthy.