On Sunday during communion, Jill reminded us that Jesus “became like us so we could become like him.”
Such an insightful statement, it demands that we take time to reflect on it. However, it is more than a teaching to us. “Jesus became like us so we could become like him” is a cry through the Holy Spirit from the very heart of God. It is a prophetic word, a command for this coming season.
It’s a statement that demands a response from us. Therefore, the question has to be asked: what does the Lord require of us and how should we respond?
There’s not one answer as we are all so different but there is a framework we can use to answer the question. First, ask the Lord to show us how we differ from Jesus. That is not as scary as it sounds. My experience says that conviction is more like training and not like being beaten with a big stick; conviction is like a small voice saying, ‘walk and act in this way’.
Second, ask the Lord to make you more like Jesus. James (4:3) says you don’t have because you don’t ask God for it. You have neither the strength or ability to change yourself. That’s the job of the Holy Spirit. So ask Holy Spirit to change you. Make this statement that Jill bought to us your prayer (and the prayer for all in CBBC) that you pray on repeat…
“Thank you, Jesus, for becoming like us so that I/we could become like you. Lord through your Holy Spirit make me/us like Jesus. Amen” Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.