Pastors Ponderings

During the week, this prayer was handed in to us here at CBBC. It’s so encouraging to think that while many of us were facing a myriad of different issues, both physical and spiritual, one lady took the time from her busy week to say, ‘Lord what would you like your people to know about you? What would encourage and help them to remember that no matter what they find themselves doing you are still there with them?’

I don’t know how this makes you feel but I felt loved. Someone took the time to stop and pray for us and that should make us all feel loved. The Lord did speak and this is His word to us” “Don’t throw away your confidence. Jesus has a design and a purpose for us. There is no reason that would cause Him not to complete what He has begun in you. He will not abandon but He will work in us. Our Christian work starts simply but the work will get harder. Don’t live your Christian life in your strength; live only in God’s strength. Don’t despair, the perfecting work is in Christ until the day of Christ.” Amen Jesus!

God Can