I’ve been thinking…
Easter or Every Day?
The cross is the moment where good and evil faced their ultimate battle.
It would be going on 50 years since I first really recognised the victory of the cross and the spiritual battle we are in as believers and followers of our Lord Jesus Christ; fifty years since I first saw the power in Jesus Name…the power, protection and victory in the blood of Jesus Christ. It was a truth that was to stay with me for life but so often, in the rush and routine of life, I forget
What would my day be like then, I wondered, if I truly understood the reality of living every day in the power of the cross…of living the truth of Easter every day?
I wake early and pick up my Bible to begin my day with God but it’s impossible to concentrate…I’m tired…I begin to think about my day… I must write that down before I forget…I’m cold…what’s the weather going to be & whatever will I wear today?…have I really got the time this morning to go on with this? Verses from Philippians 2 suddenly come to my mind: For the weapons of our warfare are not of this world on the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds; we demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Today I’ve recognised the spiritual battle and I pray!
I begin my day with a heavy heart… I’ve got commitments so I can’t linger in my prayer time but I’ll leave my Bible open so that, as I come and go, it will remind me that’s it’s through Christ I’ll have the victory. I don’t know exactly why I need to pray so intensely today or what the battle is about so I’ll just ‘stand in the gap’ and pray. I have an amazing awareness of God at work.
I’m faced with challenges at work that have overwhelmed me. I need to pray but can’t stop now. I put my hand in my pocket and pull out a small card. I’d written out a verse that morning from my prayer time and it’s just the promise…just the prayer I need now.
I’m baking and suddenly I know I need to pray…real prayer!!! I can’t stop so I open my Bible and prop it up there next to my recipe book, claiming God’s promises as I bake. My friend phones me later to tell me about a family crisis …she’d seen God answer prayer just at that time.
I wake in the night…it was a night mare…my heart is thumping…I must pray for that person!
I visit them that next morning to discover they’d decided life was too hard. The visit was God’s timing.
I can’t go to sleep… I need to pray. I read God’s Word and claim his promises crying out to him to use me. The next day while walking on the bike track I come across a dejected student sitting on a bench…she has just been given detention and doesn’t want to go home and face her parents. We spend the next half hour going through the gospel story.
All of us who know God personally have stories of God’s faithfulness…exciting moments of responding to God’s prompting to pray and seeing his power at work. But the question I’m asking myself is why are these things not happening every day? What if this was my norm instead of highlights in my life?
So…what could God do through me if I lived in the power of the cross every day? But, even more importantly, what could God do through us his people if we, as a Church, live daily in the power of the cross?
Pastors Ponderings
Pastors Ponderings