Romans is written to change the behaviour of the people in the church, so you would expect to be confronting and challenging and uncomfortable. I’ve had all of those feelings as I’ve studied this letter and we are only 7 chapters into a 16-chapter letter. So, I guess there is still more to come. Knowing what I do about the author Paul, he is just getting started. However, I’m surprised that the result of all that challenge is how exciting the gospel is now becoming to me. Let me explain. I’ve been asking the Lord the questions raised by reading chapter 6. Questions like, do I know that I stepped out of the world of sin and into the Kingdom of God through being united in Jesus death? Do I understand the spiritual implication of baptism, the fact that I am now relocated into the Kingdom of God? I’ve been asking the questions around how to live now that I’ve been united with Jesus in his death and live in the Kingdom of God. Questions like, did I think Jesus joined my life or do I realise the reality that I joined His life? Jesus set us the example of how to live today Ro: 6:10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. Therefore, it’s now completely about God’s will, so am I in the habit of laying down my rights and saying, not my will Lord but yours be done? As I said challenging questions but the more I work through this, the more excited I get about living in the Kingdom of God. There is a freedom here, especially a freedom from expectations and an ability to move on from the areas I fail in. There is an excitement about my future; it’s as if I’d forgotten that God has a purpose for my life. If the plans were down to me, then life would be boring. But my life is joined with Jesus and only He knows where that will lead. I’m excited that the gospel isn’t about rules; behave like this, believe that; join in with the monologue. It’s about relationship and breaking boundaries and stepping into unchartered waters and stretching and that is exciting. It’s amazing and it’s true. Giving up my rights really does make you a slave to righteousness and being a slave to righteousness brings the fullness of Jesus resurrected life. Honestly, you should try this.
Holy Labor:
Pastors Ponderings