Pastors Ponderings

During a recent Sunday service, Bron prayed for us. It was beautiful and meaningful and there have been many of us who commented how it filled our hearts with peace and hope. In light of that, we asked Bron if we could print it, as it gives us an opportunity to spend a little more time meditating over what was said. May your hearts find faith in Jesus as you pray this prayer.

Father God we thank you that we can come before you and bring our brokenness into your presence. That through your unfailing and sacrificial love that is in Jesus we can know your transforming power for our lives.

We are covered by the cleansing blood of Jesus and stand in your forgiveness, mercy and grace. We stand in the new life you have for us. The old is gone, the new has come.

You are the one who makes all things new, the one who brings healing and wholeness. Your ways are higher than any other, you are trustworthy and faithful.

We surrender our hearts to you now and bring our struggles before you.

Come bring your healing to our bodies and our minds, free us from doubts and fear, restore our relationships, mend our broken hearts, rebuild our homes and families, break any chains of darkness over our lives. Bring your comfort and peace to our souls as we trust in you in the midst of our circumstances.

Strengthen and empower us to live fully surrendered to you through the power of the Spirit, to bring your hope and peace to those around us.

Lord Jesus bring your healing, transforming power to our communities and to our nation and world. Raise up the brokenness in our communities to new life in you. For you see the pain and suffering of the hurting and broken around us.

We declare your goodness, your faithfulness and your unfailing, everlasting love for all.