Pastors Ponderings
During a recent Sunday service, Bron prayed for us. It was beautiful and meaningful and there have been many of us who commented how it filled our hearts with peace and hope. In light of that, we asked Bron if we could print it, as it gives us an opportunity to spend a little more time meditating over what was said. May your hearts find faith in Jesus as you pray this prayer. Father God we thank you that we…
Pastors Ponderings
Dearest Ida’s funeral was on Tuesday. It was a beautiful service that she would have loved; it was filled with worship and bible readings and fun filled facts about Ida, who packed a lot of experiences into her 102 years. Even to the end of her days she was wanting to serve, and live life to its full. I always remember her volunteering to work in kid’s church just before her 99th birthday! Ida shared a poem she wrote with…
Pastors Ponderings
The Ponderings this week come via a new author, A Devoted Seeker: Just pondering! What has the Lord been saying to me today? Well, what do you know? It’s all there in the scriptures! Every word plain and clear! No new revelation, just the straight, plain pattern for living! I can just ‘hear’ Paul saying, it’s not ‘rocket science.’ Jesus showed us how to live, and now He is making living the Christian Way even clearer, so, what is the hold up? I guess it must be…
Pastors Ponderings
4 For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. Romans 12: 4-5 A couple of weeks ago Daniel spoke from Romans 12. In verses 4 – 5 Paul explains that the church is a body where we all play our part but he also makes the statement that ‘individually we are members one of another’. …
Pastors Ponderings
The Bible calls us to be a people who participate with the Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—in what They are doing and in who They are. I guess like me you wonder what that could mean. I know participate means ‘to actively be involved in something’ or ‘to share in something’. So I can picture what it looks like to participate with God. It means I share in riches and glory of God’s grace. It means I share in what…
You feed them!
It had happened again. It was one of those moments where, from a familiar passage of scripture, something new jumped out at me. It was early one morning when I was reading through Luke and came to the familiar story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand where Jesus said, “You find them something to eat.” Why did Jesus ask this question, I wondered and what did he expect from his disciples? Reading back through the earlier verses in the…
Pastors Ponderings
The Ponderings this week comes via Mrs Jesus Follower: The Story “Halloween is much more fun than Christmas”, I overheard a lad saying to his mate as he pushed his mother’s cart along the aisle of sweets. We get to dress up, go to parties and eat lots of lollies. Halloween or Christmas? Is this going to be the question in a new generation? It set me thinking. True, between our current emphasis on political correctness, and a hunger for…
What does it mean to be a “spiritual church”?
Exciting things are happening at CBBC. God is at work; lives are being changed. There is nothing more exciting than to see and to know the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. Daniel mentioned that we all come from different Church backgrounds. Never were truer words spoken! I grew up in a generation where emotions were squashed, suppressed. It wasn’t right to show emotion or value experiences. It seemed ‘dead’. I’ve been thinking about that this…
Pastors Ponderings
This week’s Ponderings comes via Colin and contains some useful and important IT advice: A friend of mine and his wife are fostering two children aged about 6 and 8. He was doing some repairs and painting for me at the time and asked to have a quick chat. He is a tradie. There have been some problems settling in the children, and he asked me if there was some simple solution to controlling the internet, without tears and angst.…
My church, I have looked
My church I have looked and seen your hearts, and a time of healing has come, a time I have set aside. I shall refine my people in these days. I have said, I have lit a fire in my church and I shall breathe upon it with my breath until it burns white hot with fire, a refining fire. When gold enters the furnace it is heated the impurities rise to the surface, it is then scraped off and…
Pastors Ponderings
Last week I highlighted the bold claim in Romans 8 that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Jesus. But there is a very obvious counter argument to this claim…we still sin and make wrong choices, even though we belong to Jesus. Isn’t this bold claim simply a licence to sin? Can’t we just claim the grace of God covers what we do and carry on sinning? It’s the argument Paul’s audience bought up when they heard this…
Will He Find Faith?
I sat back and looked out the window, a barrage of questions tumbling around in my brain. Why hadn’t I thought about this before? What did it mean? Why is this question put on the end of this story? What’s Jesus wanting us to understand by adding this to the end of his parable? I’d just read the parable from Luke which has been titled, The Persistent Widow. You’d be as familiar with this story as I am but it’s…