Posts by Admin (Page 12)

Pastors Ponderings

I have been going to the Alpha course. It’s been brilliant for me and not just because of the great soup and the yummiest stew (dumplings in winter has to be the best comfort food). The reason I have loved going is because it’s inspired a new motivation in my faith in Jesus. Partly, it’s been the teaching and discussions afterwards. I’ve looked again at the foundations of my faith and I’ve been reminded of ‘the hope to which He…

Big Moments

I had some documents to take to Centre Link…a humbling and mostly frustrating experience. As I drove into the car park, I noticed a very nice SUV pulling up next to me. A middle age couple with two teenagers were getting out. Avoiding eye contact, I briskly walked towards the door determined to keep that little bit ahead. My need was greater than theirs…after all, I had to get to my Bible Study, didn’t I! In a split second, I’d…

new to all this Jesus stuff…

I have been thinking about when I go to Church on Sunday’s.  Do I hear what is being said?   Do I think about its meanings? I have a new challenge: to take time to listen; take time to think.  There is a message in it for me.

Pastors Ponderings

We  have been away for a break and it was nice to catch up with each other and have time to read some books. One of them was a book by Michael Frost called ‘To Alter Your World – Partnering with God to rebirth our communities’. A lot of the ideas and thinking are things we are already implementing here at CBBC but there was also much food for further thought. In it there was a quote which Frost felt…

Pastors Ponderings

I don’t know how many times I’ve read the scripture “how beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger bringing good news” (Isa 52:7) and I’ve always pictured someone going out—someone being sent—and telling people about Jesus. I don’t know why? Probably because I always think ‘good news’ must mean the gospel of Jesus and so it must be talking about evangelism. Of course, the good news is Jesus! However, this scripture is actually talking about a messenger…

What is the truth?

Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s the truth…these words kept going through my head. She sat there staring out the window, her little girl playing on the floor beside her. I stood there watching this young mum who was so deep in thought. She’d been telling me of a conversation she’d had with another Christian…it had been a disturbing and confusing conversation. As she picked up her child and turned to leave she quietly said, ‘Sometimes it’s hard to know…

about being real

‘Be real,’ say Daniel and Julie. ‘Are we actually doing what we say we believe?’ they ask And so I ask myself the question, am I willing to be real? Sometimes it’s a bit like…will the real me please stand up because I don’t know if I know the real me yet!!! To be a real group of Jesus followers here at CBBC isn’t necessarily going to come in a neat package…it could be messy! In Aussie terms, I guess…

A Christians’ Response to Terrorism

I’ve been thinking. Recently I’ve heard that a Christian leader I highly respect was leading a forum on ‘The Christian response to Terrorism’. While I’d really like to hear that discussion, I began to think about my own attitude. Oh, I pray for our country that we will be protected from such attacks…for the wider Christian church and for those who are presently suffering because of terrorist attacks…but what are my true-deep-down-honest thoughts about these terrorists? Can I love these…

yes – no – or wait?

I’ve been thinking… As I grabbed my keys and picked up my handbag to race out the door, I flipped over my daily calendar and the comment for the day was, ‘God always answers our prayer with a yes, no or wait a while’. I thought, ‘Mmmm I don’t think I’ve heard those words when I’ve prayed!’ Although I know what they mean by that expression, throughout the day a question kept going through my mind… How do I know…

to love or to condemn?

To love or to condemn? How do I respond to those living a lifestyle that makes me uncomfortable? How do they see me? What attitudes am I conveying to them? Praise God for leaders with the courage to speak up and put these challenges out there for us to face. Praise God for those who continually make us think, read, pray, search your Word and ponder the questions from which we’d like to run! I’m scared, I’m uncomfortable and yet…