Blog Archive (Page 7)

A Darkened Room

Some time ago I stopped to ask myself…how do I picture a true Church of the New Testament to look like today?  What would they see if someone were to stumble into it? The picture that came to me was a church in prayer…but it wasn’t a church as we know it today… it was a darkened room…no furniture…no sound other than folk quietly praying. I realised this was a picture of the persecuted Church…a group of believers who met…

Pastors Ponderings

This week Tani spoke to us about ‘sitting with our sin’- that is, allowing space in our lives for the Spirit of God to deeply convict, forgive and heal us. It is only when we learn to welcome God into our darkest parts that we experience a revelation of what it really means to welcome others lost in darkness. This is significant because as a church we are exploring what it looks like to welcome others to our table and…

A Bad Day?

It began wrong. It was one of those days some women and very few men may understand…what will I wear? No, not that, it might rain…oh, bother! That won’t work either, didn’t they say it could reach 40 degrees today?   And so it went on for half hour. I’d already wasted time trying to change an appointment but that hadn’t worked either. Despite the early hour, the heat of the day wearied me, as I hurried to the bus…

Pastors Ponderings

Phil, a member of CBBC, shared this word with the oversight team which he received from the Lord. We would love to share this with you and take some time to pray about this Sunday.   A Time of Renewal and Restoration.   “I am the Lord in the Highest.  A call to My people, to those whom I have called out of darkness into the light: fill your lamps, a time of raising up, a time of growing, like young…

Pastors Ponderings

  On Sunday during communion, Jill reminded us that Jesus “became like us so we could become like him.”    Such an insightful statement, it demands that we take time to reflect on it.  However, it is more than a teaching to us.  “Jesus became like us so we could become like him” is a cry through the Holy Spirit from the very heart of God. It is a prophetic word, a command for this coming season.  It’s a statement…

Pastors Ponderings

  I don’t know if you have experienced crippling debt? I am not talking about things being tight where you are just getting by each month – I am talking about serious debt where you are getting phone calls daily demanding money, where you are afraid to answer the door or open the mail because you simply can’t face another person asking for money that you know you owe but you simply can’t pay.  This happened to me around 10…

Pastors Ponderings

  After the death of a one of our longest standing members, we as a people are naturally hurting.  This week’s think spot (from aMrs Jesus follower*) gives a timely and unique encouragement to see God’s promises in every area of our lives.       13th  September:   It seemed strange that so soon after Marge’s death the scripture that kept going through my mind was, ‘Behold I make everything new.’ Wasn’t that inappropriate? But, regardless, it kept coming back.…

Pastors Ponderings

Vision is something the bible talks about frequently.  In the Old testament Solomon encouraged God’s people to set their ‘heart and soul to seek the Lord your God’.  Proverbs tells us that for the lack of vision people perish. We are told to ‘Seek first the Kingdom of God’. These are all quite broad statements; however I believe that God also calls us to seek Him for his vision both individually and as a local church here at Christies Beach.…

Pastors Ponderings

Acts in a Nutshell. We’ve reached the end of our study the book of Acts. It’s taken a while and so I thought you might appreciate a recap on the main points from Acts. (I took this from the ESV commentary.) Acts begins in Jerusalem, preaching to the Jews and focuses on the ministry of the apostle Peter. It ends with the gospel being preached in Rome to Gentiles and focuses on the apostle Paul. The direction of Acts is…

Pastors Ponderings

  What freedom means to me by Phil S.  I’ve been thinking about what freedom in Christ means to me personally.  To me, it’s yielding to Jesus and emptying myself to him, putting on Christ, and dying to myself and all the world things.  It seems to me, the more I empty out, the more he fills me with the Holy Spirit.  As I listen to the conviction of Holy Spirit and confess my sins and nail them to the…

Pastors Ponderings

  The question of who is ‘in’ and who is ‘out’ of any group is usually decided by a few people in power.  It can be decided by a committee, a dictator or it can simply be because someone is born into it.  I am an Australian for two reasons, first I decided I wanted to be but then I had to submit the decision to those in power – the Australian government – to decide.  Advertisers also create desire…

Pastors Ponderings

During the year we host a Sunday service called ‘perspectives’ where people from CBBC share their understanding on a topic—this year it has been ‘what’s your perspective on church?’  It’s become a valued part of our year. Here’s Holly’s thoughts,   What is our role as the church, the body of Christ? Ephesians 4:11–13 says  “Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body…