Blog Archive (Page 5)

Pastors Ponderings

Over the next few weeks, we will be feeding back some of the words and prayers received from our week of prayer and fasting. This word came from Tanya, and it is a wonderfully encouraging word to pray and meditate on.  It reminds us that we are all called to the purposes that God has for Christies Beach Baptist Church and that we all have our parts to play in God’s grand scheme.  I saw, very clearly, a tower of…

Pastors Ponderings

We are almost at the end of our week of prayer and fasting.  How did you find the whole experience?  Setting aside time for God is always an experience as you never quite know what He will decide is the priority for the time. It’s definitely been worth it and over the coming weeks we will start sharing back what the Lord has shared with us as a church.  This week we want to share a word of encouragement that…

Pastors Ponderings

On Sunday Daniel spoke about our corporate responsibility to maintain a ‘clean heart’ (Psalm 51).  Events like the recent outrage surrounding George Pell do so much damage to the world’s perception of the church.  It makes no difference that Pell was working in a different setting under a different denomination.  All the world sees is yet another ‘christian’ leader committing the most awful crime to the very people he was called to serve. However nothing changes the fact that this…

No, Lord, You’ve got the Wrong Person!

We all settled back to listen as the young woman stood up to share. She’d been working overseas for several years and was now home for her first break. Tentatively she looked around at us and, without warning, burst into tears. I don’t want to go back, she sobbed. I can’t do it anymore.  In faltering words she continued to explain… she wasn’t qualified to do this… she felt totally inadequate. I don’t think there was a dry eye in…

Pastors Ponderings

This week’s pastor’s ponderings come from Steve, who as most of you know is a member of the Oversight team here at CBBC. As you know we at CBBC are praying Psalm 51: “Create in me a pure heart, oh Lord, and renew a right spirit within me.”  I’ve been pondering on some of the words we use today in our language— Righteousness and Holiness. We would be forgiven in attaching the same meaning.  After all, don’t we often use…

There’s Someone at the Door

Placing my knitting in the basket, I headed for bed. I looked at the clock. Good, I could read for an hour and still get to sleep at a respectable hour. The book I was reading had got to a place where it was difficult to leave. Maybe I could even finish it this evening, I thought. But, even as I was thinking these thoughts, another quiet voice was quietly speaking. The words of Jesus when talking to his disciples…

Pastors Ponderings

On Sunday, Joan shared a word and many of you have been asking for a copy of it. One person summed up what was felt: this is important and we want to understand it and not lose what God is saying. Joan called this ‘My Journey with my God. God’s holiness, Psalm 18. 10th Feb 2019.’ Do I really ‘get’ God’s holiness? We sing, ‘Your glory, Lord, is what our hearts long for; to be overcome by your presence Lord’…

I’m Missing the Very Thing

I woke this morning and felt as if a flicker of a light had come on. Yes, the same old question keeps lurking in the background… why doesn’t God answer my prayer? He does, I know because he says he will. Then, what’s wrong? The verse that had come into my mind this morning was, “Call on me and I will answer…” Oh, I knew this verse so well! I knew its reference; I could say it ‘off pat’ but,…

Pastors Ponderings

Last Sunday, Daniel spoke on repentance asking, what is it and how do you do it and why would you do this?  What’s interesting is that Phil was praying and received a word along a similar line from God.  I think the Lord is wanting us to hear Him on this subject and He is using every means He has to share His message. This is what the Lord said to Phil. What I seek is a broken and contrite…

Out of the Ordinary God speaks!

There’s a quote I read once from Selwyn Hughes, a 20th century Bible teacher. My goal is God himself… at any cost, dear Lord, by any road. Many of us who read this would say this is also the desire of their heart, but it leaves me thinking God is about to do great things. Will it cost me my life? What enormous sacrifice will he ask of me? But my life, my days are just going on as they…

Pastors Ponderings

The Pondering this week comes via Mrs Jesus Follower- who wrote this post before Julie spoke on Psalm 51 last Sunday: I’ve realised that a line from Psalm 51 has, of late, become a focus for me. It’s from a prayer of David’s that’s brought a freshness to my life. The line that has jumped out at me goes like this…Return unto me the joy of your salvation. Yes, that’s it. And perhaps that hasn’t got a lot of significance…

I wonder…

Who has the Handicap? He sits tied securely in his wheel chair, arms and legs flailing the air, You try to avoid staring as his mother seeks to give him a drink. It has spilt everywhere – all over him, the floor, the mother’s jacket. Food and drink and saliva are running down his chin. You turn the other way pretending not to notice ….. He smiles as you walk toward him longing for your touch, Longing for your smile…